Which Gospel Do I Trust for Salvation?

The case of many ministers is to say that there is only “one” gospel from Matthew to Revelation. Many know the gospel to include Jesus’ death and resurrection for forgiveness of sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4); this is true for today, in the dispensation of grace, but not for all of Scripture. Here is a simple comparison to show that biblical truth. Did the twelve understand the gospel or not? –…Keep Reading

Your 2 Chronicles 7:14 Prayer Pattern Is Off

Warning: This is an article intended for saved Bible students… If you are opinionated, religious, and stubborn without a desire  to study, the whole sum of this read for you will end in disgust; your take-away will be a charge to my account of “knit-picking.” Study  for yourself. Please don’t take my word for it.  End of Warning. (This isn’t sarcastic; I am being sincere) I see it posted everywhere….Keep Reading

Easy Believe-ism

The more a man elevates God’s grace in his mind, the less you see him working according to religion. The more you see a man working according to religion, the more clearly you see how little he knows about God’s grace. Talking about God’s grace, to some, is summed up as easy believe-ism… The real question on the table is, “If it is so easy, then why do so many…Keep Reading