“Why Mid-Acts? Why the Mystery? (Part 2)”
From May 3rd, 2015
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Why Mid-Acts? Why the Mystery Part 2
The title “Mid-Acts Dispensationalism” is a pretty big mouth full, but past the intimidating title, there are some milestones that need to be reached for one to understand the importance of the distinctions that have been made by groups that claim to “rightly divide the words of truth.”
1.) Jesus, in his earthly ministry, ministered to the circumcision. Romans 15:8
2.) The mystery of Christ was first revealed to Paul Colossians 1:25-26, 1 Timothy 1:16
3.) Prophecy and mystery are different Acts 3:19-21 vs Rom 16:25
4.) Peter and Paul taught different messages
Peter- prophecy & Paul- mystery
1. Israel and Prophecy
Israel is still standing and
prophecy is being fulfilled.
(Acts 2:16-17; 3:21,24-26)
Israel is fallen and
the prophecies are postponed.
(Rom 3:10,19;11:11,25; 16:25)
2. Apostolic responsibility
Salvation is of the Jews led by the twelve apostles.
(John 4:22; Mat 19:28; 1 Pet 1:10; Rev 21:14)
Salvation sent to Gentiles through Paul: the Apostle of the Gentiles.
(Rom 11:13; Col 1:25; 2 Tim 1:11; 1 Cor 3:10)
3. Justification
Salvation and the law; justification by faith in Jesus as the Messiah accompanied by necessary works.
(Jam 2:24; 1 John 2:5; Mat 19:27; Heb 10:26)
Salvation apart from the law; justification by faith alone in the cross work of Jesus Christ.
(Rom 4:5; Eph 2:8-9; Tit 3:5; 1 Cor 15:1-4)
4. The Church**
Separation between the Jew and Gentile; Israel is God’s chosen people. Gentiles blessed through Israel.
(Mat 10:5; Luke 24:49; Acts 11:19)
No longer Jew nor Gentile
but all are part of a new creature in Christ called his Body.
(Gal 3:28; Col 3:11; Eph 2:15; 1 Cor 12:13)
5. God’s representation
God’s holy nation, the little flock of Israel, is His earthly representation from among the world.
(Isa 61:6; Rev 7:1-8; 1 Pet 2:5,9)
Gentile Ambassadors are
His representation to a world
in total rebellion.
(2 Cor 5:20; 1 Cor 12:20; 2 Tim 2:2)
6. Destiny***
Promised to receive an earthly inheritance in the kingdom.
(1 Pet 1:4; Mat 6:10; Heb 13:14; Rev 21:2)
Promise of an heavenly position in God’s universal dominion.
(Phil 3:20; Eph 2:6; 1 Thess 4:17)
* Peter is used as representative of the twelve apostles during their kingdom and Pentecostal ministry.
** There are three churches mentioned by name in the Bible; listed are two.
*** In the dispensation of the fullness of times both of these things will be brought together in Christ (Eph 1:10).
5.) Prophecy has been interrupted.
6.) The gospel of the kingdom is not the gospel of the grace of God
– Israel’s Church and the Church, the body of Christ, are different.

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